Ladder for leadership

Like the game of Snake & Ladder, one wrong move and we are back to square one.
One strategic correct move and we reach our goal.
Aren’t you facing this battle everyday?

Here are some sessions that look into our own heritage to inspire and bring to the front your individual leadership style.

Leadership lessons from courtesans

A music and movement filled session with poems from ancient India sung by women who had the gall to question the King and society.

  • Body language
  • Mentorship
  • Mindset of a leader
  • Mindset of abundance
  • Self worth
  • Negotiation skills

Leadership lessons from Queens

A session relete with music, movement, stories and paintings of how some Queen could command while some others cowered. It all came down to a stable mindset irrespective of gender.

If centuries ago, our leaders could motivate thousands to give their best to a cause, what should we be learning in the 21st Century ?

Leadership lessons from Musicians

Participants will be taken through an immersive workshop of how classical musicians collaborate and make the overall presentation shine through.

How every team member does not hog the limelight, but waits for an opportunity to showcase their individual skill.

Learn the difference between overshadowing and enabling. Let’s get our music going!

Leadership lessons from Indian folklore

Voices with no royal positions.
Those living on the fringes.
Those caught in everyday strife
Those for whom prey-predator interchanges everyday.

​What are some leadership lessons that we could learn from these individuals who were the Hero in their own life (never the sidekick)

Our brand promise ?

Sessions so interesting, Nobody ever yawns !

we are ready to share the secret

  • No Presentations
  • No Theory
  • No numbers from a random study
  • No Comparisons
  • First-of-its-kind activities
  • Readily implementable actions
  • Nostalgia and WOW moments
  • Introspection and personal learning

To know more about the program, do get in touch!

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