they in me

Inviting you into a child's world to learn about gender fluidity

Roshan never switches on his video. Nor talks in his class. Roshan wasn’t like this before.
Don’t know what happened to Roshan.
Some say things changed the day he wore bangles to class.
Others say it’s because his classmates called him by another name.
But what exactly happened to this 8 year old ?

A bunch of 8 to 12 year olds are back to their hobby class after a break.
They see a new face amongst them and get to know that their new teacher’s name is Pruthvi(they/them) !

Let’s go on a journey with them as they discover – the story behind her strange name, what exactly are pronouns and its importance.
Is it better to be a boy or a girl ? Can you feel like a boy and girl simultaneously?Silently and curiously, Roshan and his father listen to Pruthvi and draw their own conclusions.Let’s laugh a little, cry a little and face the world with the courage of a child.

Duration: 30 to 45 mins

Wellness week | Mental health awareness camps | Milestone celebrations | Fun Friday engagements | Diversity & Inclusion initiatives| Empowerment | Knowledge sharing

De-stress | Increase bonding | Share experiences | Develop social skills

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